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A Year 1 Class Post

Year 1 Autumn Week 4

What a super week of learning, Year 1!


In English, we designed our own pirate and wrote a fact file about them. We explored what features a non-fiction text had (title, headings, facts…) and applied these to our pirate books. We used our knowledge of verbs, nouns and adjectives to describe what our pirate looked like, what they did and things that they liked or disliked.

This week in maths we began to consolidate our understanding of place value to 10 by using number lines. We were able to find numbers on a number line, show one more and less, count forwards and backwards and show how many ‘jumps’ it took from one number to another.

In Geography, we learnt about atlases. We used our map reading skills to locate and mark on a map: countries, capital cities and some physical features of the UK. We also spent a lesson learning about Scotland and shared what we had learnt through our independent learning time.

In science, we extended our knowledge of materials by thinking of different ways to sort objects. We used our problem solving skills to sort by colour, weight, material, use, feel and whether the material was natural or manmade.

We began a new Friday enrichment activity as we took part in Yoga lessons with Mrs Tarr.

Next week:

  • In English we will be learning about and writing our own free verse poetry.
  • In Maths, we will start our unit on addition and subtraction.
  • In Science, we will use our observational skills to describe materials.
  • In History, we will continue to look at the life of Queen Victoria.
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