This week in Year 1, we have been reading the book Winnie and Wilbur Meet Santa by Valerie Thomas. In our English lessons, we have been sharing the story and it’s beautiful illustrations.
Year 1 have loved it!
‘I liked it when Winnie fixed everything with her wand and she said Abracadabra!’ – Lilah
‘I liked the bit when they went on the sleigh because it was so good.’ – Alfie
‘I liked it because Santa was stuck because he has a fat tummy. It was funny!’ – Shiloh
‘When Santa went down the chimney and she saw his red legs. I liked the picture where Winnie was on her present.’ – Nina
‘It was good when they decorated the Christmas tree because it was really big. I liked when Winnie had her magic and all the presents were in space.’ – Freddie