What a busy first half of the Spring term we’ve had!
In English, we’ve been developing our writing skills. We started the term off by learning about rhyme and using that to perform and finish off a rhyming poem. We then went on to learning about reports and the features of a report. We used our cross curricular science learning to create reports about our bodies and the senses.
We then explored Dogger by Shirley Hughes, a classic book about a child’s love of their favourite toy. The children explored the book, asking the characters questions. They then went on to think about their own favourite toy (thank you for the photos). We wrote descriptions of our own toy working on making good vocabulary choices. We then used our own toy to create and write our own adventure story about them.
Finally, we looked at the features of instructions and wrote our own set of instructions for Feeling Good Week, which were recipes for ‘How to Make a Happy me!’
In Maths, we have been enhancing our maths skills by focusing on numbers within 20. We’ve been focusing on those tricky teen numbers and trying to understand what makes them tricky. We’ve been looking at place value, addition and subtraction, comparing and ordering numbers within 20 among other things.
In Geography, we’ve been looking at mapping the world. The children learnt about compass points, axis, poles and how we map the world around us.
In science, we have been learning about our bodies. We labelled the features of our body. Compared our faces and learnt about our senses. We took part in a selection of senses experiments which tested how well we could hear and which part of our body that isn’t our hand is best for feeling with.
In History, we’ve been focusing and exploring the Historical event of ‘The Battle of Hastings’. We’ve looked at the artefact, the Bayeux Tapestry and what it teaches about the Battle of Hastings. We explored the events through drama, sequencing, art and writing. The children really enjoyed learning about The Battle of Hastings and created some super learning.
In Art, the children have been looking at the work of David Hockney. So far we have talked about his landscapes using artistic language. We recreated our favourite parts of his landscapes and turned them into prints.