In English, we are continuing to develop our precursive letter formation and sentence structure. Year 1 will be learning about report writing, explanation texts, traditional tales, and poetry.
In Maths we will continue to build upon our addition and subtraction skills and applying them to create equivalent expressions. We will also learn to tell the time to o’clock and half past. We will also be exploring how to measure volume and capacity and we will recap fractions and recognising coins and notes.
In Science we are learning about plants. We will be growing our own and understanding the parts and roles of the plant. We will also be investigating different trees and plants in the school environment.
In Computing we are learning how to use the internet to find pictures and then use them to create our own PowerPoint presentations.
Our topic this term is ‘growing plants’. We will be writing our own reports about the trees at Samuel Lucas. We will also be learning about the 4 countries of the UK and their national flowers. In D&T we will then create our own 3D garden of the national flowers.
In RE we are exploring precious books; how they are read and handled and how they influence religious people.
In PE we are developing our team skills for the upcoming Sports Day.