Hello from Hazel and Birch, we just wanted to say well done! You are all doing a fantastic job with your learning and thank you parents for your support on this journey. We have been very impressed with how hard you have been working and what wonderful learning you have produced.
For the last couple of weeks in Year 1, we have been focusing on ‘weather’ in our theme learning, taking part in lots of exciting experiments. This week we had another Science theme of ‘plants’ and it has been great to see what you have been growing. Year 1 have been telling us about the books they have enjoyed reading and have been writing their own colour poems. Also, well done Year 1 for rising to the Friday Maths Challenges!
We’ve had some fantastic pieces of work and, sadly, I don’t have enough space to share it all so here is just a selection.
Thanks for all the photos you’ve sent. We’ve loved seeing their learning and the other activities, such as nature walks, that have been keeping you busy. Remember, don’t worry if you can’t get it all done, you’re all doing a fantastic job!