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A Year 2 Class Post

Year 2 Spring Term 2018 Overview

This spring we will be focusing on our D&T skills finding out about marvellous mechanisms. As part of our learning, D&T will cross the curriculum into English, Maths, Science, Geography & History.

In English, we will start the term by writing and performing poetry. Then we will be writing an instruction text on how to lift a teacher as well as fiction writing about both life on the moon and the life of a toy.  In Maths, we will be continuing to develop our mathematical skills and use them to create our marvellous mechanisms in D&T.

In Computing, we will be using Scratch to design a game using coding and debugging. In Art, we will be developing skills for sculpting, whilst learning from famous British sculptors Antony Gormley and Barbara Hepworth to create our own pieces.

In History, we will be finding out about the many marvellous mechanisms invented through time and the impact they have on our lives today. We will also find out about the lives of the people who invented them.

In keeping with our space and marvellous mechanisms theme, in Geography we will compare and contrast the National Space Centre at Leicester, UK with NASA in Houston, USA. Whilst we look further into space travel, we will be designing and making our own space suits and moon buggies, which links with our Science all about how things move on different surfaces and identifying and uses of different materials.

In RE, we will be looking at special places and Easter. In PE, we will be learning gymnastics and applying these skills.

We look forward to a busy and exciting term ahead.

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