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A Year 2 Class Post

Year 2 Spring Term Overview

Our theme for the Spring Term is ‘This is Our House’. This topic will incorporate learning from a range of subjects across the curriculum but will be broadly based on homes, houses and buildings.

In History we will be looking in detail at the events leading up to the Great Fire of London. We will make comparisons between London now and in 1666 and investigate the reasons why the fire spread so quickly. In Science we will explore materials, their properties and uses. In the second half of the term we will focus on animal habitats, investigating mini-beasts in our local area. In Design and Technology we will explore different houses from around the world, design our own house and then build it using modelling materials. In Art we will research the work of William Morris, exploring different patterns found from buildings and fabrics, and use these to design our own press-print tile. In RE we will be focus on identifying our own special places and visit our local church. In Geography we will identify the human and physical features of an ‘Island Home’ and draw our own maps of the school. Finally in Computing we are going to learn how to take a photograph successfully and how to use search engines safely to find out information about buildings.

During our English lessons we will be developing our reading and writing skills by looking at stories with recurring language and writing our own information texts linked to our topic work. We will also write some descriptive poems about the Great Fire of London.

In Maths we will continue to develop our understanding of multiplication and division, learn how to add two 2-digit numbers using a number line or a hundred square, begin to understand fractions of numbers and shapes, talk about the properties of 3D shapes and read scales including temperature.
All of this exciting new knowledge will culminate in a Spring Term Outcome to which parents are invited to attend on Tuesday 7th March 2017 at 9.00am to 10.30am.

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