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A Year 3 Class Post

Year 3 Spring Term 2018 Overview

We welcome year 3 back after the Christmas break!

In English we have begun the spring term by looking at alternative fairy tales. We are focussing on the story of the Three Little Pigs being told from different perspectives. Later this term we will cover non-chronological reports.

In Maths we have started the year by studying angles and lines. We have investigated lines using concrete, pictorial and abstract representations and explained our understanding using new vocabulary.

In Science we are investigating animals including humans. We have begun to look at how to keep healthy and we will be studying skeleton types and joints in further detail.

During our Computing lessons we are learning the skills to be presenters, linking this to our ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ topic.

In Geography we are examining the UK, including cities, mountains and rivers. We will study our locality and how it has changed over the years.

Throughout our RE lessons this term we will be building positive relationships by learning more about Christianity and Islam.

In PE lessons we will be developing our skillset in swimming, visiting Hitchin Swimming Centre every week.

We are looking forward to a busy but exciting Spring term!

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