Year 3 have been busy during this Spring term, starting lots of exciting topics and practising new skills.
On Mondays and Tuesdays Year 3 have been going Swimming. Both Ash and Elm have been extremely sensible, resilient and respectful of the swimming pool’s rules. We can’t wait to see the fantastic progress that all of the children will make throughout their lessons. We have also begun our new PE topic of gymnastics this term with Mr Smith. The children have been exploring different balances.
In RE we have explored creation stories for both Islamic and Christian religions. We compared the stories, looking at similarities and differences. We then used our collage skills to create both creation stories as a class.
We have now begun our new History topic too, exploring the Romans! Last lesson we explored the myth of how Rome was founded. We created our own class comic strip of the myth, Romulus and Remus.
We are looking forward to continue with more exciting learning as the term goes on!