Year 3 had a wonderful day at Celtic Harmony Camp yesterday. We travelled back into pre-history and experienced life in an Iron Age camp. We weren’t sure if we going to be allowed in when we arrived, but we assured them we had come in peace! We were welcomed in to the thatched roundhouses and spent the day learning what it was like to live in the Iron Age. Everybody enjoyed all the different jobs we had to do to keep the village going. This included grinding wheat into flour and making dough to cook the bread, carving spearheads for hunting and making coiled pots. We finished the day with some Celtic storytelling.
We all learned so much and really enjoyed ourselves, but we decided that it was quite hard work living in the Iron Age. Everyone behaved beautifully, representing the school in very positive way. Some of us were very tired and had a little snooze on the coach on the way back. Thank you to all the year 3 parents that accompanied us.