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A Year 4 Class Post

Year 4 AUT 2 Week 2

The children enjoyed dressing up and their non-uniform day this week to support Children In Need


In English, we have been writing our diary entries from the perspective of a refugee continuing from the book ‘My name is not refugee’.

In maths, we have been learning our 6 and 9 times tables. We learnt how to use our fingers to work out the 9x tables. We have been working on improving our heat maps on TTRS.

In science, we have started the unit ‘electricity’ and were creating simple circuits. The children investigated what would happen with more than one bulb in their circuit.

In history, we learnt about Boudicca how she lead the Iceni people to war against The Romans.

In PSHE, we learnt about where our thoughts come from and how they are influenced by what we see and hear.

In DT, we’ve been learning about Nancy Silverton.

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