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A Year 4 Class Post

Year 4 Autumn 2 Week 2

This week as writers, we have put ourselves in the shoes of the character in ‘My name is not Refugee’ and written diary entries exploring how the character would be feeling on his journey.

My Name is Not Refugee: 1: Amazon.co.uk: Milner, Kate, Milner, Kate: 9781911370062: Books


As mathematicians, we have started our new learning on multiplication and division. We have started learning our 6x table and division facts, and explored the link between  the 3x table and the 6x table.

As scientists, we have continued our learning on electricity, and explored how to create simple circuits.


As historians we explored Roman art and then created our very own Roman mosaics!

As gymnasts, we have stared to create sequences using bridges. Pine class even had Pickle join in with this!

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