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A Year 4 Class Post

Year 4 Autumn 2 Week 6

As writers, we have continued exploring the text Stitch Head. We used descriptive writing to describe the weird and wondrous creations that the professor in the story creates. We then designed or own monsters and wrote a set of instruction on how to make them!

Eleven Plus Exams > 11+ Books > Stitch Head


As mathematicians we have continued consolidating our knowledge of our newly learnt times tables.

As historians, we concluded our learning on the Romans by learning about the revolt against the Romans lead by Boudicca. We then created a speech, imagining we were Boudicca, to get the Celts to join her us in fighting against the Romans.

As designers, we explored a range of breads and soups. We judged the appearance, smell, taste and texture of a range of breads and soups to help us determine which we would like to use when we design our own soup and bread meal.


The year 4s who attended the Wembley trip last Friday had an AMAZING time watching the Lionesses beat the Netherlands 3-2.


In PE we have started our unit of hockey. This week we were practising our dribbling and passing skills.

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