This week, as writers we continued reading the text ‘Pugs of the Frozen North’ and have focused on using fronted adverbials when describing events in the story.
“After a long day of work, the pugs fell asleep.”
“When other people weren’t looking, Sir Basil set up a detour.
As mathematicians, we have continued our learning on perimeter. We have learnt how to find the missing length of a shape and then use this to calculate the total perimeter.
In PSHE, we worked in groups to meet a goal of making the funniest potato character. As classes, we then voted for the funniest potato!
As artists, we have continued making our still life collages. We cut out our painted collage paper and then focused on the composition of our still life objects.
During online safety day on Tuesday, we learnt that apps and games are designed to persuade people to give up their time and money through their persuasive design. We created online safety posters showing these different persuasive designs.