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A Year 4 Class Post

Year 4 Spring 1 Week 6

We have had a brilliant last week of the half term!

As writers, we have used all our skills from the last few weeks to write and publish a recount from ‘Pugs of the Frozen North’ from the viewpoint of one of the characters.

As mathematicians we have finished our learning on perimeter. We ended our learning by completing an investigation to see how many ways we could create pens for alien creatures called poggles using our area and perimeter knowledge.


As artists, we finished our still life collages by adding shadows. We then held a gallery to exhibit all our fantastic work!

As geographers, we learnt that there are 5 different types of mountains. We used tables to represent the tectonic plates and show how different mountains are formed. We then investigated where these mountains can be found around the world by creating a key on a world map.


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