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A Year 4 Class Post

Year 4 Spring Term 2018 Overview

Year 4 can look forward to some exciting learning during the New Year and the spring term! 
Our theme is “Ruthless Romans” as we get to grips with the Roman Empire and its spread across Europe.  From understanding the water cycle in Science and volcanoes in Geography, to making pop-up books in D&T, the learning opportunities during this term will be endless! 
We will be looking at myths and legends in our English lessons and writing our own version of how Rome was founded. Maths will involve getting to know decimals, some learning on shape and measure and finding out how to count like the romans using the roman numeral system.
In Science, we will be learning about what makes a healthy mind and body as well as the details of the digestive system.   In Computing, Year 4 are going to be using Scratch to design our own toys. 
During RE we are continuing to look at Sikhism and Christianity and in PE we are doing gymnastics and hockey.
 We look forward to demonstrating our knowledge and newly acquired skills to you at our outcome.
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