Year 4 can look forward to some exciting learning during the New Year and the spring term! Our theme is “Ruthless Romans”. From understanding the water cycle in Science and rivers and mountains in Geography to building catapults in D&T, the learning opportunities during this term will be endless! We will be using our experiences relating to our theme to describe settings imaginatively in English. All of this exciting new knowledge will culminate in a Spring Term Outcome to which parents are invited to attend on Thursday 23rd March 2017 from 1.45pm – 3.00pm.
In Science, we will be learning about what makes a healthy mind and body as well as the details of the digestive system. We look forward to demonstrating our knowledge and newly acquired skills to you at our outcome. In Computing, Year 4 are going to be using Scratch to design our own toys and using the GarageBand app to create our own original music.