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A Year 5 Class Post

Year 5 Art Trip!

We had a great time visiting Hitchin Museum last week.

Our visit was organised to find out more out Samuel Lucas, the local artist in whose honour our school is named and whose paintings have been on display in a temporary exhibition there.

We enjoyed looking at a wide range of watercolour and oil paintings by Samuel Lucas, as well as at examples of his sketchbooks. We thought about the skills and techniques we recognised from our classroom studies of Vanessa Gardiner, the Shoreditch Sketcher and Saoirse Morgan, and were particularly impressed by the interesting ways Samuel Lucas used layers of light and dark in his landscapes.

We also practised our own sketching skills drawing the artefacts in the downstairs local history room where the museum lighting created fantastic shadows and had time upstairs looking at the large painting of Hitchin by Samuel Lucas. We saw how art can be used to investigate history and learnt about people who gave their names to local landmarks, such as the original Mr Hawkins.

Back in school, we produced our own works of art of Hitchin, choosing between landscape and urban painting, watercolours and acrylics and different materials to add details.

Thanks to all your children for their engaged and sensible behaviour on the trip and for the effort and thought they put into their final art pieces.

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