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A Year 6 Class Post

Year 6 11th May

Hello everyone!

We do hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend and were able to make the most of the glorious weather! The news was, of course, full of the VE Day celebrations; we wonder if you were able to participate in any way.

As usual, your response to the learning we are setting has been fantastic. We have loved reading your Mayan newspapers and all the other tasks which have been set. Have you been able to find out your blood type?  Thank you to you and your parents for all your kind words and the emails you send which show us the other clever ways of sharing your learning with us.

It is very nice for us when you leave a little message with your work on Purple Mash when you hand it in. It makes us feel that little bit more in touch with you. Remember to check out the notice boards showing the learning for Beech and Spruce too!

We hope you have a great week.

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