Hello everyone!
Year 6 have settled in extremely well this term and have been writing some perceptive and amazing pieces based on the whole school book – Here I Am – and the class reader: The Boy at the Back of the Class. We are impressed by their imaginations and the quality of their written work already! Maths lessons have seen us revising Place Value concepts from year five and developing these into year 6 content.
The children are such keen readers! It has been heartening to hear them talk about their favourite books and authors and they are proud to be filling in their reading records and achieving the reward stars! Well done everyone.
We have had e-safety lessons and a lovely art session, where the children have produced some really beautiful watercolours of the school.
The Zones of Regulation lessons have been invaluable in helping us to recognise our moods and emotions at various points during the day and for us to reflect on our own behavour.
The sense of relief to be back at school has been evident and we are delighted at how well the children have adapted to their new space on the playground and how admirably they are coping with school life in general this term.
Thank you for all your supportive messages!