A very warm welcome to the exciting, final year at Samuel Lucas. Year six will be taught by Mr Burgess, with Mrs Sewell taking the class on Monday mornings to allow leadership cover. Ms Holland is our invaluable TA.
In English we will be consolidating a wealth of skills by incorporating grammar, vocabulary and spellings into a variety of genres and writing opportunities. We begin the term by studying Arthur Spiderwick’s Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You.
Maths lessons will follow the agreed Herts for Learning plan which covers all the requirements of the curriculum for the autumn term. Each lesson will focus on a key objective and the children will have the opportunity to question, reflect, work collaboratively as well as individually and, above all, seek help if unsure! A system of self-evaluation will take place each lesson to ensure that the children are as confident as they can be and to alert myself to those requiring additional input.
In science we begin by studying living things and their habitats. In the second half of the term we will be moving onto explore light and shadows. During our computing lessons, we are demonstrating our awareness of e-safety as well as using the laptops for all manner of independent research. Later in the term we shall be creating our own “Kodu” game world to link with our geography topic.
Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Zones is the title of our topic theme this term. We will be studying the different types of volcano within the Ring of Fire and understanding how human behaviour is affected by natural phenomena.
Throughout our RE lessons this term we will be learning more about Christianity and Buddhism.
French will be taught by Mrs Sewell on a Tuesday morning, followed by a Rising Stars PE session.
Harvest rehearsals and performances will take place in October and, before we know it, Christmas will be upon us! Here’s to a productive and happy term.