Our Learning > Our Classes

A Year 6 Class Post

Year 6: It’s February!

This week we have been considering the 5Rs which form our ethos at Samuel Lucas.

Here are some examples of how they are interpreted by some of our children:


We are resourceful when we use the 3Bs before me.

We use dictionaries if we don’t know how to spell a word.

When we are stuck, we look on our working walls for help.


When making our terraced farms, we didn’t give up when glueing even though it was tricky.

When we were making our security boxes in DT, it was hard to make the paper clip complete the circuit but we persevered.

We used to find algebra hard in maths but we kept on going and now we’ve got the hang of it.


We rebuilt relationships after lockdown because they had changed.

We made new relationships when moving tables because we were in new pairs.

We make relationships on the playground because we are not just in our classes.

 Risk taking:

We try the deepening challenges in maths.

Having a go at trying new things like clubs.

Pushing your limits and not being afraid to get things wrong.


Each year we reflect on our prior knowledge and build on it for future reference.

We are reflective in school when we use our times tables to help us in maths lessons.

We are reflective when we learn from our mistakes on the playground.


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