It was so lovely to be able to share our learning with you again! Both classes have been working so hard all term and we are extremely proud of the quality and variety of work we presented. Thank you for your supportive and appreciative comments.
In Spruce class we showcased all our geographical learning about biomes: rainforests, deserts, tundra, taiga, grassland and savannah were all well represented from both classes! The home learning projects were, as always, a welcome addition to the collaborative and individual pieces we have created in school: fact files, comparison posters, “Trump” cards and persuasive leaflets for job opportunities in the desert!
In Beech, the focus was our historical Mayan work. Here, our cross-curricular art topic played an important role in framing our other pieces in stunning style: intricate Mayan print work on linen giving the children the chance to adapt their knowledge of Mayan themes and create their own unique piece. This was supplemented by group posters and models of terraced farms which the children enjoyed making in class.
As scientists, we displayed our periscopes, work on shadows and our photographs from a “Light” workshop earlier in the term, as well as our drama based activity on the double-circulation of the heart and the results in graph form of our pulse-rate experiments.
Our writing areas demonstrated the persuasive techniques we have developed whilst studying the book ” The Children of the King” which linked to our topic on WWII. Here, the children showed great empathy with evacuees and considered the complex situations in which people found themselves during wartime. Our poems further deepened our empathy. We used a variety of poetry written in the second world war as inspiration before producing our own extremely powerful poems.
The french displays showed a development of learning throughout the term, culminating in a “guess my favourite sport” piece, written with clues and answers in french. Many thanks to Mrs Sewell for teaching the classes.
PE was represented via a selection of photographs demonstrating the children’s expertise in their “Mirroring and Matching” gym sessions this term. The children created sequences involving canon and unison movements with a partner across a range of heights and pieces of equipment.
This week was science week and a number of competition posters about “Growth” were on display too. We have been amazed at the imagination of the children in how they interpreted this general theme.
On our maths walls, we displayed the current learning as well as mini posters we made which are used as revision aids for all aspects of arithmetic.
Our PSHE displayed various sessions we have covered this term, including dreams and goals, self-fulfilment, advice to people in need and commentary on gangs. These sessions have been thoroughly engaging in the classroom and we have enjoyed and valued the children’s perceptive contributions.
RE was our main focus in the Gallery but we also had stations in the classroom representing this too. All our work about Buddhism was evident, including our home learning about the Dalai Lama, our group posters on A Day in the Life of a Buddhist Monk as well as our observations on mindfulness, meditation, prayer, stillness and reflection. Our models of Multi-Faith Prayer rooms were beautifully detailed and appreciated by many.
Last but not least, we proudly displayed the cakes we made during our DT project linked to rationing. We made a batch last week using only the basic wartime recipe and ingredients. We then evaluated and designed our own improved versions based on available wartime ingredients. They were all amazing!!
Happy Holidays, everyone!