It has been lovely to Welcome Year 6 back for Summer 2. It is our last half term and potentially the busiest half term of the year. We have spend much of this week reviewing our Isle of Wight trip and beginning our cross-curricular Isle of Wight project including: poetry, observational drawing, creative and reflective writing, we will be adding to these each week.
As writers, we have begun using a video stimulus to support suspense writing that we will be building upon each week. The video has been very captivating and is a great hook for some great writing in coming weeks.
In PE we have started practising for sports day, we have had a focus on house relay this week. Next week is sports week and we are looking forward to the many opportunities.
As Artists, we have been completing our Activism posters, these will be going on display to share these important messages within school, we look forward to sharing these with you.
Lastly, we have been so proud of our pupils who auditioned and have began working on the Wind in the Willows. We are in the early stages of reading through scripts but it is clear there is a lot of talent. We have added songs onto Google classroom which we have asked the children to learn as part of their home learning. There will be lots of rehearsing over the next few weeks.