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A Year 6 Class Post

Year 6 return!

It has been wonderful to welcome everyone back this week!

We have been incredibly impressed by the attitude of Year 6 during the lockdown; their commitment to learning has been excellent and we have appreciated all the support that they have had at home. The daily Zoom calls were great but not the same as the “live” experience! Those children who have attended school since January are now reunited with their other friends. Everyone appears relieved to be back and settling back into the routines which were in place before Christmas.

This week has been incredibly busy. It has been important for the children to “find their feet” again so there have been lots of collaborative sessions: pizza making and tasting on Monday, pulse rate experiments, group maths activities and two sessions of P.E! The children have finally had the opportunity to meet Mrs Davies in person and have enjoyed their first music lesson in school. Miss Painter has switched from Google classroom to real classroom too!

Year 6 have reviewed their own pizzas in a “Restaurant Review” and have used laptops to research seasonality of produce. Purple Mash has made a return and the chidren have written their own blogs!

Miss Shaw and I are looking forward to the next two weeks with the children….. Red Nose day next Friday promises to be a lot of fun, as does the Science week to end the term.

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