The summer term is certainly going to be a very busy one in Year 6!
We will be consolidating our learning in maths, reading and writing during the run-up to SATs. The class will have the opportunity to revise individually, in groups and as a whole class. Regular research opportunities for our Isle of Wight trip will be interwoven into these sessions, from The Battle of Trafalgar to Osborne House and Carisbrooke Castle, in preparation for our Great Adventure at the end of May! In Science, Mrs Foster will be teaching the class about evolution and inheritance and we will continue with Rising Stars and music lessons.
Once the SATs are out of the way, we will be auditioning for The Lion King. The production promises to be a real spectacle and we are very much looking forward to staging the ambitious project. The children will know their roles prior to the Isle of Wight trip to allow for coach sing-alongs and evening drama sessions.
The final week of the first half term will be spent on the Isle of Wight. The trip is always a firm favourite with the children and Mrs Foster, Miss McArdle, Miss Briddon and I are extremely pleased to be accompanying them.
Bikeability is scheduled for the first week back after half term. Our play rehearsals will also begin this week and continue up to the performances at the beginning of July. Classwork in Year 6 will be based around our experiences on the Isle of Wight and will include many cross-curricular skills and opportunities, including a free-choice of home learning project.