It feels like it has been longer than two weeks back at school already. Year 6 have been working hard starting our new topics. In English we have look reviewing spelling, punctuation and grammar and practising our reading comprehension. We have also been looking at writing and developing our skills as proof readers. In Maths we have been starting our revision of previous topics covered from year 3-6. We have been looking at coordinates, shapes, reflections, translation and symmetry this week. As Scientists, we have been exploring the theory of evolution. In Computing we have started to understand LAN and WAN networks – your children may be interested to know where your router is at home.
This afternoon, we made the decision to take some enrichment time as a year group to play a team game in houses. With the Isle of Wight quickly approaching, it was a fantastic opportunity for classes to mix and get to know one and another better. We both felt proud of the effort, encouragement and engagement from all the children in our games this afternoon.
We hope to see many of you at the quiz this evening.