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A Year 6 Class Post

Year 6 W/B 24th April

This week, we have enjoyed our intra-house tennis tournaments. Mr Smith works very hard to organise the lessons and collate the results for later in the term. The children have made pleasing progress with their skills and behaved with great sporting behaviour during the sessions.

As scientists, we have been studying the life of Charles Darwin and his Theory of Evolution, using the Galapagos Finches as our main example. In RE, we have used Buddhist verses as inspiration for our own writing about moral messages, which has linked nicely with our Jigsaw lesson about maintaining a healthy state of mind.

In computing, we have used Purple Mash to begin to make a quiz about a story for Year two children.

Revision sessions have taken place in the mornings and we are delighted by how sensible the children are being about asking us to revise specific points in both maths and grammar.

We were treated to a karate demonstration on Thursday during assemble and our Sports Captains are helping out this afternoon with the KS1 tournament with Oughtonhead.

We wish you a happy bank holiday weekend.

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