A four day week due to the Bank Holiday.
In RE we learned about the symbolism represented in Buddhist Mandalas and recreated them out of natural materials. We then destroyed them, just as Buddhist Monks do to represent the idea of impermanence: everything changes and nothing lasts forever. The children enjoyed the opportunity to be active learners and work collaboratively to create some impressive mandalas.
As historians, we considered the siege of Troy, questioning its authenticity based on available sources and in computing we completed an online safety quiz and explored the pros and cons of using social media.
As artists, even though it is only September, we have been designing our beautiful Christmas cards and PE lessons have seen us developing our football skills.
A huge well done to the year six children for completion of their home learning; we were pleased by their use of MyMaths (or paper copies) and the sentences they produced in their red books. We look forward to seeing their North America projects which are due in a week on Tuesday.