Another full week has come to an end. It was lovely to inform the children of our trips to Wells and Whipsnade after half term; we are looking forward to them very much.
As artists, we have printed our Mayan designs using inked polystyrene tiles. The process involved many skills and the end result is really effective! In science, we have compared the evolutionary theories of Lamarck and Darwin and our computing sessions saw us creating a pairs game for younger children based on the works of Julia Donaldson and other familiar texts. As geographers, we have developed our skills in map work by applying 6-figure grid references to a dtetailed map of Hitchin.
Rounders has continued this week although unfortunately, due to the weather, we have not been able to have our usual Friday enrichment session outside; this will, of course, be carried over.
The children have been enjoying cafe role-play in French and in music they are learning the ukulele: what a fantastic opportunity!
We are delighted by the reading home learning that has been submitted and appreciate the support that the children continue to have at home with individual reading.