How lovely that the sunshine has returned; let’s hope it stays!
As usual, we have been busy with our learning in Year Six. In English we used our knowledge of the subjunctive form to write a formal letter to Mrs Thomas about the terrible state of our classrooms (NOT a real-life scenario, we hasten to add!) In addition to this, we completed a wonderful piece of independent writing showing off a range of skills.
As mathematicians, we have been diligently revising for next week and as scientists, we studied Darwin and discussed his Galapagos Finches study which led to his theory of evolution.
Computing lessons saw us exploring the difference between the World Wide Web and the internet as an introduction to our topic about networks.
We’ve continued developing our skills as cricketers and as geographers, we compared marine and freshwater biomes.
We’ve taken some time this afternoon to focus on the importance of pupil well-being. We have answered any questions the children had about next week and feel confident that Year 6 are extremely prepared to show off everything they know! We are proud of what they have achieved this year and can only ask that they try their best, as we know they always do.
Please make sure that that this weekend is full of laughter, love and early nights and we look forward to serving breakfast at eight-thirty on Monday!