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A Year 6 Class Post

Year 6 Week Beginning Sept 26th

We have been delighted by the varied pieces of home learning submitted this week on our topic of North America. The children always come up with unique and innovative ways of demonstrating their learning. Following on from that, as geographers, we have worked together to research and produce an information poster on either the Mississippi River trade or the Rio Grande pollution. Various sources of evidence were used and we are very pleased with the completed pieces.

Our RE lesson saw us practising, photographing and understanding the many symbolic hand gestures in Buddhism. Again, the children were wonderful at showing their independence in the way they chose to present their photos and information.

As scientists, we investigated micro-organisms and planned an investigation on bread mould, which will be carried out next week.

Suffixes, synonyms and antonyms have been revisited this week and, in English, we produced some brilliant cautionary writing based on the terrifying Cockatrice from our Spiderwick studies; you would not want to meet one of those on a dark night!

Friday saw us holding our inter-house football competition involving both classes. We are so pleased that the games were played in a sporting fashion, with the children focusing as much on fair play and teamwork as the actual result of each game. All houses had five matches during this busy session and, at the time of writing, the results have yet to be collated!

As mathematicians, we consolidated our understanding of rounding and negative numbers and on Tuesday we were lucky to welcome the Phase team from Christchurch with the first of their five workshops this year: On Your Marks!

A busy week as usual with some great learning and outcomes!


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