We are all delighted with the mature and confident way in which year 6 showed the prospective parents around the school on Tuesday and Wednesday. We received so much positive feedback and the children were proud to carry out thisimportant duty. Thank you everyone.
As mathematicians, we have been comparing, ordering, adding and subtracting fractions and in english and history we have been building up our skills to prepare us for writing a newspaper report about Alexander The Great next week. Already, the children are able to remember many facts about him and have been interested in his exploits.
In geography, we have learned about the Orinoco River and condidered reasons why we would or would not like to live along it.
Electrical circuitry has proven extremely popular in science, with year 6 proving why certain circuit scenarios do or don’t work.
RE has enabled us to study Buddhist artefacts in class to develop our understanding of their symbolism and use, and in computing we have looked at dice-throwing probability in the first lesson of our unit on Spreadsheets.
We have developed our non-verbal communication skills in PE with a “real-life” version of the old (and brilliant!) board game: Mastermind.
We celebrated Remembrance day too this week and we look forward to Children In Need on Friday 19th; thank you to the School Council for producing some amazing posters to put up around the school next week.