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Samuel Lucas News

Newsletter 1 – 9th September 2016

Dear Parents,

It has been lovely seeing the children arriving punctually in the mornings in their new school uniforms ready for learning. It has been an exciting week in Reception as we welcomed our new children into our school – a great start to the term!

Early morning routines

Just a reminder about our early morning routines. In reception classes the doors will open at 8.45am and children and parents are welcomed into the cloakroom where they can help their children prepare for their day. At 8.45am children in the rest of the school will be met by teachers from the playground. This is the time for parents who need a quick word to speak to the teachers as they will not be available once they have taken the children into class. All children will then be in class ready for registration at 8.55am. All external doors throughout the school will be closed at 8.55am. If children arrive after the doors are closed they should go to the school office. They will be marked on the register as late. Please help your children to be in school on time and ready for learning.

Playground safety

With our ever growing school there are more people in the playgrounds in the morning and after school. Please can you help us to keep our children safe by reminding your children to dismount from their bikes and scooters when they enter the school grounds.

Please don’t allow your children to play on the playground equipment before or after school.

Parent Communication

We are looking forward to our Parent Information Evenings – Reception, Year one and Year two, 15th September 7.30pm and the rest of the school on Wednesday 21st at 7.30pm. We have made sure this year there are no clashes with meetings at other schools and made the start time a little later. It is important that you attend the meetings even if you have children higher up the school as there have been some changes. It is a great opportunity for you to meet all the staff who work with your children and to gain the relevant information for the year.

We are presently updating our school website, keep looking as we will soon be blogging!

We are looking forward to an action packed year with lots of opportunities for you to come into school to find out what your children have been learning. We will be having our autumn whole school exhibition, and in the summer our junior school production to name but a few so look out for the diary dates!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and I look forward to working in partnership with all of you over the coming year.

Yours sincerely,

Tracy Thomas – Headteacher

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