Our Learning


Vision for PE, Sport and Physical Activity

At the beginning of their school journey in EYFS and Key Stage 1 we aim to provide our children with the foundation to develop their physical literacy in a way that allows them to explore, problem solve and have fun whilst learning. The development of these core skills will provide the framework for lower Key Stage 2 where children are encouraged to transfer their existing skills and knowledge into a variety of specific sports to develop their understanding. In upper Key Stage 2 these skills are refined in areas such as tactical awareness and understanding, officiating and leadership. This will ensure our children are fully prepared as they embark on the next step of their learning journey at secondary school.

We endeavour to ensure our children are aware of the considerable ways in which they can be active and this doesn’t necessarily have to be through a specific sport. There are opportunities throughout the day for active breaks, including the daily mile as well as personal challenges on the Key Stage 2 upper playground. Our year 5 and 6 playleaders have a vital role in delivering fun and active games for our EYFS and Key Stage 1 children.

Children are encouraged to try new sports, skills and activities during the school day and through a variety of extra-curricular clubs. The aim is to either introduce them to something new, prepare them for representing the school or open a pathway to a new found enjoyment of sport outside of school.

It is our belief that physical activity, PE and school sport should be placed at the heart of school life with our children learning about the benefits of an active lifestyle and what this means for their own physical and mental wellbeing. We hope that the values and lessons they take from their experiences will develop into lifelong skills such as teamwork, resilience, determination, self-belief, passion, overcoming setbacks and respect.

Physical Activity

EYFS – Outdoor learning area – The children in EYFS have access to a variety of different physical activities including climbing equipment, mini running track, a traversing wall, balance beams, a basketball ring, all weather activities and a sandpit. The area is always open throughout the school day and children are actively encouraged to use the area with adult support.

Daily Mile – All of our classes participate in the daily mile, where the children are encouraged to walk, jog or run with the aim of improving their general fitness and also having a positive impact on their learning in the classroom.

Playground Challenges – Each class have their own physical challenges on the playgrounds ranging from hula hooping to Netball shooting and they are rotated each week. The challenges have an emphasis on being fun and active whilst encouraging the children to learn or develop new skills.

Active travel – We encourage as many of our children to use their bodies to travel to school! We participate in walk to school week as well as the Sustrans Big Pedal where we compete nationally against other schools to see how many of us can walk, scoot or cycle to school over a 10 day period.


Curriculum – We provide a broad and balanced PE curriculum that encourages our children to learn new skills, to develop their physical literacy and to provide a platform from which they can enjoy their lessons and flourish. It is important that our children have the opportunity to learn to lead in their lessons as well as exploring ways they can progress, challenge themselves and problem solve.

Values – It is our belief that PE, Sport and physical activity can help our children learn and develop important values that can be used in all areas of their lives. Values such as teamwork, respect, honesty, self-belief, determination and passion will help our children to grow and achieve as individuals.

Intra-house tournaments and festivals – All of our children in Key Stage 2 participate in Intra-house tournaments at the end of their unit of work after learning and developing their skills in their PE lessons.

Our Key Stage 1 children take part in Mini Olympic festivals at school in their house groups with the events being organised and delivered by our Year 5/6 sports leaders.

Sports Leaders – Our Year 5/6 sports leaders are responsible for helping to organise and deliver our intra-house tournaments and festivals. They are responsible for scoring, refereeing and leading teams/groups of children whilst the events are happening.

Sports Committee – Is open to our Key Stage 2 children who write a letter at the beginning of the school year to explain how they could contribute to the role. They have an input into new ideas for sports or clubs, they give feedback on existing clubs and lessons and also run their own lunchtime club every Tuesday.

School Sport

Fixtures – Our children compete in a wide variety of sporting fixtures against other schools including Football, Girls football, Netball and Cricket.

Competition – Our sports teams compete in the Hitchin and District Football league, the Hitchin Schools Netball rallies, Sportshall athletics, Outdoor athletics, the Hitchin Schools Cricket league, North Herts Quick sticks Hockey tournament, North Herts Tag Rugby festival, North Herts Cross Country Competition, North Herts Speed Stacking competition and the North Herts Kwik Cricket competition.

Achievements – A Team Football – Hitchin District Football League – Runners up (A team haven’t lost a league match for 2 years)

A Team Netball – Hitchin Schools Netball Rally – Semi Finalists

A Team Hockey – North Hertfordshire District – Champions

  • Β 3rd place at County Finals

Year 3/4 Speed Stacking Girls – North Hertfordshire District – 7th Place

Year 3/4 Speed Stacking Boys – North Hertfordshire District – 2nd Place

Year 4 Rapid Fire Cricket team – North Hertfordshire District – Champions

Sportshall Athletics – North Hertfordshire District Finalists – 4th place

Cricket Team Β  Β  – North Hertfordshire District – 3rd Place

  • Hitchin District Cricket League – Runners up

Year 3 and 4 Girls Football Team – Premier Education Tournament Winners

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