Our Learning

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 at Samuel Lucas

The third year of Key Stage 2 (KS2).

In the third year of Key Stage 2 (KS2) we aim to develop the children’s independence and help them to take increasing responsibility for their own learning.

The Maple class teacher is Mrs Carpenter.

The Walnut class teacher is Miss Riste.

Year 5 Spring Term 2025

Year 5 can look forward to more exciting learning this Spring Term.

In History, we will be traversing the world and back again. We will begin by learning about Early Islamic civilisation and the founding of Islam and city of Baghdad. The Silk Road and international trade were a key part of the success of Baghdad, as well as the continuity and stable rule of caliphs. We will also be looking at the importance of trade closer to home, with an investigation into the local wool trade and the building of St Mary’s in the 14th and 15th centuries.

As Geographers, we will be learning about how to read maps using 4 and 6 figure grid references. This is a great tie-in with our Art project this half term, which is ‘Mapping Our Identity’. We explore typography and how writing can be incorporated effectively into artworks and design, creating final pieces that will be unique to each child. We will be using the work of Louise Fili, Paula Sher and Chris Kenny to inspire us, and combining drawing and design work to create maps of ourselves and places that are special to us. In Computing we will be learning how to use software to design and print nets to create 3D objects. We will be using these skills in several ways this term and next, practising our typography skills to create objects for a toy shop for EYFS and next half term in our DT toy design unit.

As Year 5 Scientists, we will be investigating forces and how they work when balanced and unbalanced . Another neat link here, this time with PE, as we work on our Gymnastic skills focusing on different techniques with counter balancing and tension. We will also be exploring a new Dance unit where we can use all of our body to express movement.

As Mathematicians, we will be building on our knowledge of multiplication and division by learning more methods of calculation such as the grid and column method, then moving on to practising more problem-solving methods with fractions and decimals.

In English, we complete a Suspense and Mystery unit using The Boy in the Tower by Polly Ho-Yen as our core text, before focusing on Rhythm and Poetry by Karl Nova as a stimulus for writing our own poetry.. Throughout this term, we will use our key texts to help us to understand how action and behaviour of characters are created within writing and will explore how rhythm and pace can be created for a reader or listener to enjoy.

As religious experts, we will learning about Judaism and how every day and special objects are used to enhance prayer as a spiritual activity for Jewish people.

In PSHE theme for the Spring Term 1 is “Dreams and Goals”.  In Year 5, our weekly sessions include:

  • setting ourselves simple goals and working out how to achieve them,
  • tackling new challenges and identifying and overcoming obstacles which make it difficult to achieve them and finally,
  • practising describing how we feel and how we celebrate when we succeed in a new challenge.

Every lesson has a social and emotional development learning intention which focusses on either how we communicate or our feelings. Vocabulary we will learn about will include: dream, hope, goal, feeling, achievement, money, grown up, adult, lifestyle, job, career, profession, contribution, society, determination, perseverance, motivation, aspiration, sponsorship, communication, support, team work and cooperation.

Optional Additional Learning Activities:

  • Plan (and go on!) a walk in the local area using an ordinance survey map, working out the locations and grid references for points of interest on the walk
  • British Museum: ‘The Silk Road’ exhibition. Best booked in advance, children go free with a paying adult
  • Create a celebration diary, commemorating challenges that your child and family have achieved
  • Explore the life of Simon Biles and think about how forces help and hinder her amazing moves
  • Research local synagogues and Jewish prayer
  • Read ‘Rhythm and Poetry’ by Karl Nova and learn a poem by heart
  • Read a mystery or adventure book and notice how each chapter ends – what different cliff hanger techniques can you spot?


There is also TTRS and purple mash available at all times for children to practice their times tables and spelling.

Year 5 Autumn Term 2024

Welcome to Year 5!

This year, the Walnut teacher is Miss Riste and Maple teacher is Ms Carpenter.

In English, we will be focusing on story telling through writing a traditional tale based on the story of John Henry. We will explore the exciting adventures of brave cat Varjak Paw by SF Said and the narrative poetry of Walter de la Mere.

In Maths, we will be revisiting and building on our previous number knowledge by understanding the place value of numbers up to 1,000,000. We will apply this place value knowledge to solving addition and subtraction problems. We will also develop our multiplication knowledge, focusing on multiples, factors, prime, square and cube numbers.

As scientists, we are learning all about materials. We will explore what dissolving is and learn how to separate mixtures and solutions. We will also compare and group everyday materials.

As geographers, we will be learning all about South America! We will learn to identify the countries of South America, understand the population of different countries, as well as focusing on the physical features such as the Amazon river and rainforest.

As historians, we will learn about the ancient Maya civilisation. We will discover what made them such an impressive civilisation, how and what they traded as well as their beliefs.

In Computing, we will continue to build upon our coding knowledge by simplifying codes and creating a playable game.  We will also learn how to create concept maps and apply our scientific knowledge of materials to help us make them.

In PSHE & RSE theme for the Autumn Term 1 is “Being Me in My World.”  Year 5, our weekly sessions include:

  • setting ourselves simple goals and working out how to achieve them,
  • tackling new challenges and identifying and overcoming obstacles which make it difficult to achieve them and finally,
  • practising describing how we feel and how we celebrate when we succeed in a new challenge.

Every lesson has a social and emotional development learning intention which focusses on either how we communicate or our feelings.

Vocabulary will include: education, appreciation, opportunities, goals, motivation, vision, hopes, rights, responsibilities, citizen, denied, emphasise, refugee, persecution, conflict, migrant, right, wealth, poverty, responsibilities, prejudice, privilege, deprive, rewards, consequences and choices.

In PSHE & RSE theme for the Autumn Term 2 is “Celebrating Difference”.  In Year 5, our weekly sessions include:

  • setting ourselves simple goals and working out how to achieve them,
  • tackling new challenges and identifying and overcoming obstacles which make it difficult to achieve them and finally,
  • practising describing how we feel and how we celebrate when we succeed in a new challenge.

Every lesson has a social and emotional development learning intention which focusses on either how we communicate or our feelings.

Vocabulary will include: culture, conflict, difference, similarity, belong, racism, colour, race, discrimination, bullying, rumour, name-calling, racist, homophobic, cyber-bullying, texting, indirect, direct, happiness, celebration, artefacts.

In Art we will be exploring representing the world around us with a range of materials and going outside to sketch and paint en plein air. We will be looking at and creating urban and country- inspired landscapes, and creating our own individual images of Hitchin.

As designers, we will be designing, making and evaluating our very own Christmas biscuits. We will start by exploring a range of biscuit products, learn how to follow a simple biscuit recipe, and then develop the recipe to make it our own!

In PE, the children will start the term by developing their tag rugby and basketball skills. In the second half term, they will learn about handball and hockey.

We will also be taking part in bikeability during October.

We are very much looking forward to the exciting term ahead!

Miss Riste and Ms Carpenter


Core Subjects

Click on a tab below to read detailed information about how and what is taught in English and maths for Year 2 children. For an overview of the other subjects taught please view the Year 5 Curriculum Overview document.

Year 5 English


In English lessons, children are taught speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through studying a variety of styles of writing (genres).  Teachers follow the Teaching Sequence for Writing, which means that children will firstly be taught to read and understand the text, then practise the skills of the style of writing (including grammar) and apply into their own writing.

The Primary National Curriculum statements will be taught through the modules below.

Y5 English Coverage

The year 5 English curriculum consists of the following modules:

Term OneTerm TwoTerm Three
NarrativeTraditional Tales – LegendsSuspense and mysteryFiction from our literacy heritage
PoetryVocabulary building
Structure - cinquain
Vocabulary building
Structure – spoken word poetry/rap
Vocabulary building
Take one poet – poetry appreciation

Curriculum Content:

Speaking and Listening

Children will be taught to discuss their learning and to develop speaking skills. They will become more familiar with and confident in, using language in a variety of situations, for a range of audiences and purposes. They will, for example:

  • Develop their understanding of a subject through discussions, learning to give their opinions and listen to other viewpoints.
  • Speak clearly and in different ways for drama, formal presentations and debate.
  • Reading

This part of the curriculum is broken down into ‘word reading’ and ‘comprehension’.

In year 5, pupils will be reading aloud a wider range of poetry and books written at an age-appropriate interest level with accuracy and at a reasonable speaking pace.  Children will be expected to read frequently, outside as well as in school, for pleasure and information.  They will have the opportunity to listen frequently to stories, poems, non-fiction and other writing. At this stage, word reading will not be directly taught, except where individuals need support.  Instead  the focus will be on the teaching of comprehension skills.

They will, for example:

  • Retrieve, record and present information from a text
  • Summarise the main ideas of a text eg ‘loneliness’ or ‘friendship’
  • Predict what may happen based on evidence and clues given
  • Discuss and evaluate the text and justify their views
  • Use clues from the text to work out characters’ feeling, actions or motives
  • Distinguish between fact and opinion
  • Identify how language, structure and presentation add to the meaning
  • Compare  different texts

We are able to provide you with lists of age appropriate texts to support the learning:

Traditional Tales – legends

  • Beowulf – K. Crossley-Holland
  • The Story of Robin Hood – R. Leeson
  • Athur, High King of Britain – Michael Morpurgo
  • The Tale of Tales – Tony Mitton
  • Myths and Legends – Anthony Horrowitz
  • Arion and the Dolphin – Vikram Seth
  • Just So Stories – Rudyard Kiplingditional
  • Suspense and mystery
  • Snow horse and other stories – Joan Aiken
  • Snaggletooth’s mystery – Gene Kemp
  • Shock forest and other stories – Margaret Mahy
  • Room 13 – Robert Swindells
  • The London Eye Mystery – Siobhan Dowd
  • No Such Thing as Dragons – Written and illustrated by Philip Reeve
  • Cosmic- Written by Frank Cottrell Boyce
  • Flood Child – Written by Emily Diamand

Fiction from our literacy heritage

  • Narnia Stories – CS Lewis
  • Harry Potter series – JK Rowling
  • Billy The Kid – Michael Morpurgo
  • Why the Whales Came – Michael Morpurgo
  • Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens
  • Kensuke’s Kingdom – Michael Morpurgo
  • A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens
  • Stig of the Dump – Clive King
  • Snow Spider – Jenny Nimmo
  • Macbeth for Kids – Louis Burdett
  • The Wolves of Willoughby Chase – Joan Aiken
  • Peter Pan – J. M. Barrie
  • A Christmas Carol (Eyewitness classics) – Charles Dickens
  • The Hound of the Baskervilles – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (adapted by Chris Mould)
  • The Wind in the Willows – Kenneth Grahame
  • The Jungle Book – Rudyard Kipling
  • Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll
  • Mary Poppins – P.L. Travers
  • Stories from Dickens (ed. Blishen)
  • Stories from Shakespeare (ed. Geraldine McCaughrean)


Writing is developed through teaching the following:


Children should learn to spell new words correctly and have opportunities to practise spelling skills.  They will be taught spelling patterns and conventions, and draw on their knowledge of word families and roots to help them spell new words correctly.  They will practise and use the words included in Appendix 1 of the National Curriculum for years 5 & 6. Children will be expected to use a dictionary and thesaurus.


Pupils will continue to be taught handwriting in order to increase speed, fluency and legibility.

Composition (structure): This includes vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. To develop their composition skills, the children will be taught to:

  • plan, draft, compose, edit and evaluate their writing
  • use a wide variety of punctuation and grammar features
  • select the appropriate grammar and vocabulary to develop the effectiveness of their writing
  • use a range of techniques to build detail into their writing and link ideas within and between paragraphs
  • adapt writing for a range of purposes and audiences as part of their work across the curriculum. In year 5 this will include (cross curricular example, schools to insert their own)

Grammar will be taught throughout the writing process and teachers will follow the terms and concepts of Appendix 2 of the National Curriculum.
Should you wish for a more detailed explanation, please follow this link to the Primary National Curriculum document.

Year 5 Maths

Working mathematically

By the end of year 5, children will apply their mathematical experiences to explore ideas and raise relevant questions, constructing complex explanations and reasoned arguments. They will be able to solve a wide variety of complex problems which require sustained concentration and demand efficient written and mental methods of calculations. These will include problems relating to fractions, scaling (times as many), converting between units of measure and employ all four operations (+, -, x, ÷).


Counting and understanding numbers

Children extend and apply their knowledge of place value for numbers up to one million, rounding, estimating and comparing them (including decimals and negative numbers) in a variety of situations. They are introduced to powers of ten and are able to count forwards or backwards from any number (for example, -50, -5… 5, 50, 500, 5000…). Through investigations, they will discover special numbers including factors, primes, square and cube numbers.


Children will be fluent in a wide range of mental calculation strategies for all operations and will select the most appropriate method dependent on the calculation. They apply their knowledge of place value fluently to multiply and divide numbers (including decimals) by 10, 100 and 1000. When mental methods are not appropriate, they use formal written methods of addition and subtraction accurately. They continue to develop their understanding of the formal methods through hands-on resources and use their known facts within long multiplication (up to 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers e.g. 2345 x 68) and short division (up to 4 digit numbers by 1 digit number e.g. 2345 ÷ 7) which may result in remainders. They solve multi-step problems in meaningful contexts and decide which operations to use.

Fractions including decimals and percentages

Children secure their strong understanding that fractions express a proportion of amounts and quantities (such as measurements), shapes and other visual representations. Children extend their knowledge and understanding of the connections between fractions and decimals to also include percentages. They will be able to derive simple equivalences (e.g.  67% = 67/100 = 0.67) and recall percentage and decimal equivalents for ½, ¼, 1/5, 2/5, 4/5 and fractions with a denominator of a multiple of 10 or 25 (e.g. 25% = 25/100).

They order, add and subtract fractions, including mixed numbers and those whose denominators are multiples of the same number, for example + = + = = . Using apparatus, images and models, they multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers. Children continue to develop their understanding of fractions as numbers, measures and operators by finding fractions of numbers and quantities in real life situations.


Through a wide variety of practical experiences and hands-on resources, children extend their understanding of measurement. They convert larger to smaller related units of measure and vice-versa including length, capacity, weight, time and money.  Children will convert between imperial (such as inches, pints, miles) and metric units (such as centimetres, litres, kilometres). Children will measure, calculate and solve problems involving perimeter of straight-sided, right-angled shapes (rectilinear) and learn to express this algebraically such as, 4 + 2b = 20. They find and measure the area of these shapes with increasing accuracy. They begin to estimate volume.


Children will measure, identify and draw angles in degrees, developing a strong understanding of acute, obtuse, reflex and right angles. They use this knowledge to find missing angles and lengths in a variety of situations, including at a point, on a straight line and within a shape. Children will move (translate), reflect shapes and describe their new positions.  Language will be used with increasing sophistication to compare and classify shapes based on their properties and size. They will be able to visualise 3-D shapes from 2-D diagrams. They will use their understanding or shapes to solve problems.


Children will complete, read and solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in graphs, charts and tables, including timetables. They begin to decide which representations of data are the most appropriate and are able to justify their reasons.

Year 5 Learning Blog