Our School

General Information

School Opening Hours

Monday           8.45am – 3.15pm
Tuesday          8.45am – 3.15pm
Wednesday    8.45am – 3.15pm
Thursday        8.45am – 3.15pm
Friday              8.45am – 3.15pm

(Registration time is 8.45am. Official end of compulsory school day is 3.15pm)
(Total hours provided in a typical week is 32.5 hours)

Admission Arrangements

For all admissions enquiries please contact :

Hertfordshire Local Authority Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 4043

We are an inclusive school and invite parents to speak to us about any aspects of your child’s special educational needs or disability.

We are always willing to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate your child’s individual needs.

Please read our SEN Information Report Samuel Lucas Autumn 2024 and SAMLUCAS School Accessibility Plan July 2024 for more details on how we can be of assistance.

Prospective Parent Meetings

Reception Class 2025

Your child can start in Reception class in the September following their 4th birthday. Applications for Reception 2024 must be submitted between 1st November 2024 and 15th January 2025 to Herts County Council.


Prospective parents are welcome to meet with the Headteacher and have a tour of the school on the following dates. Places are by appointment only. To book your appointment please either telephone the school office on 01462 456737 or email admin@samlucas.herts.sch.uk.

We look forward to meeting you.

Visit dates:

6th November 2024 at 9.15am
14th November 2024 at 2.00pm
19th November 2024 at 9.15am
27th November 2024 at 9.15am
8th January 2025 at 2.00pm

School Meals

The school operates a whole food cafeteria service where the children are    allowed to make choices between hot meals or a packed lunch from the Pupil Choice menu that works on a repeating 3 week basis. Children make their own choice of meal from the daily options.   Our meals are supplied by Hertfordshire Catering Ltd.

A Universal Free School Meals scheme was introduced in September 2014 to provide free meals for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Currently, school meals for Years 3 to 6 have to be paid for in advance either weekly, half-termly or termly. Credits due to absence will be totalled at the end of term and deducted from the following terms’ payment. Invoices are sent home at the start of each term and half-term.

If you prefer your child to bring a packed lunch from home, please ensure that it is nutritionally balanced and does not contain sweets or glass containers. We also request that children do not drink directly from bottles so a plastic cup or straw should also be included.

We have children with severe nut allergies so in order to make our school environment as safe as possible for them we ask you to help by making sure that your child does not bring peanut butter sandwiches or foods containing nuts into school in their lunch boxes. Samuel Lucas aims to be a nut-free zone.

School Milk

Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are eligible for milk either free of charge or at a subsidised price paid termly.  Parents will be notified of the cost and ordering procedure by letter.  Milk must be ordered in advance.


We encourage the children to drink water throughout the day and it is the only other drink allowed throughout the school.  Although there are adequate numbers of water fountains in school, we encourage all children to bring a water container for their own personal use.  Children are able to drink water throughout the school day.  We do stress that:

  • Only still, plain, un-flavoured water only to be brought into school.
  • A named, plastic bottle (including a drinking spout) be brought into school.
  • The bottles can be re-filled within school if necessary, but need to go home daily for cleaning.

School Uniform

  • White blouse / shirt or polo shirt
  • Red School branded sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Mid tone grey skirt / pinafore / trousers
  • White or grey socks
  • Black shoes (not fashion shoes)


Children should bring their PE kit to school in a drawstring bag that will hang on their peg.

  • black shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms or black leggings
  • Red t-shirt (can be school branded or plain)
  • black or white trainers are required for every P.E. session
  • Children can wear their school jumper for warmth in the winter or may choose to wear the optional school branded hoodie.
  • Jewellery: One set of ear studs are permitted.  These must be removed by the child or covered with surgical tape for P.E. If earrings cannot be removed, parents must complete the form accepting responsibility or giving permission for tape to be applied.

Hairbands should in school colours. All hair—shoulder length and longer must be tied back (boys included), no hair accessories, temporary tattoos or nail varnish.

All uniform is compulsory.

Additional Information

Book Bags: For pupils to carry reading books and other information to and from school. This can be branded or non-branded, ideally with the water bottle carrier separate to protect books.

Water bottles: Children should have a standard water bottle in school every day with fresh water. Please avoid flavoured water bottles including Air-ups.

For school branded items: Beat School Uniforms is the stockist of Samuel Lucas uniform and can be found at 4-5 Hermitage Rd, Hitchin SG5 1LT.  Beat School Uniforms are open 6 days a week 9am-5pm (Sundays throughout the school summer holidays) and are also able to offer the service of internet ordering and a delivery option.  Beat School Uniforms are happy to provide any further information on 020 3362 2930 or visit their website:  www.beatschooluniforms.co.uk

Please name all articles of clothing and footwear as this saves valuable time in identifying lost property.

We have a pre-loved collection of school uniform available. This is on sale at different points during the year. Families eligible for pupil premium support may also email: uniform@samlucas.herts.sch.uk to request free items from our pre-loved collection.

Non-branded school uniform can be purchased from any supermarket or other shop. There are times in the year where particular shops have some very good offers such as:

  • ALDI – £5 school Uniform Bundle – Confirmed to go live Thursday 4th July.
  • Tesco 25% Off all school uniform – Predicted to go live Tuesday 23rd July.
  • M&S 20% Off all school uniform – Predicted to go live Tuesday 2nd July.
  • Sainsburys – 25% Off school uniform- Confirmed to go live Wednesday 19th June.
  • GroceryAid Grant- School uniform grant applications (£150 per child)  – Open June 18th.

Procedures for notification about school closure

The information below shows the ways in which we will communicate any necessary closure due to bad weather or other circumstances.

If the school is closed, BBC Three Counties 103.8fm/92.1fm/90.4fm/630mw/1161mw, Heart 96.9FM or 97.6FM and 106 Jack FM radio stations will be notified and should broadcast a message accordingly. Also we will contact parents via Parentmail.

You will also find information about any school closure on: http://www.hertsdirect.org/services/edlearn/schlife/schoolclose/

Instrumental lessons

At Samuel Lucas School we offer a variety of extra-curricular music lessons for children in KS2.

Individual lessons are offered to pupils in Year 3 and upwards via Hertfordshire Music Service in the following instruments: Piano, Guitar, Brass, Cello, and Violin (please note, violin lessons are offered for pupils in Year 2 upwards).

If your child is interested in learning an instrument, you will now need to register with Herts Music Service directly at www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk/registeronline to apply for lessons or to join the waiting list, as the waiting list is no longer held by the school.

If you are in receipt of benefits you may be able to receive either 50% or full remission for music lesson fees. Details are available on the Herts Music Service website.

We also offer woodwind (clarinet, flute and saxophone) lessons through a company called Musicale www.musicale.co.uk for pupils in Year 3 and above. Please contact Musicale via email info@musicale.co.uk or telephone 01582 713333 for further details and an application form.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Data Protection and Privacy

We take data protection and privacy very seriously. Please read the following document to find out more SAMLUCAS GDPR Data Protection Policy September 2022

Online safety at Samuel Lucas

We value ICT as a learning tool and encourage our children to experience different ways of accessing technology. From Beebots to iPads our children are able to access a wealth of resources to suit their different learning styles.

The safety of our children is of paramount importance to the school and something that we monitor and revisit regularly. We work closely with Hertfordshire Grid for Learning (HGFL) to ensure that we are up to date with current advice and practice. Our e safety policy explains how we do this and is available to view by clicking the link below.

SAMLUCAS Online Safety Policy Autumn 2022

Online safety advice for parents

NSPCC online safety info for parents.pdf

Operation Encompass

OUR KEY ADULTS ARE: Miss Helen Brind & Mrs Kate Kenny

Our school is part of Operation Encompass. This is a police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people who experience Domestic Abuse.

Operation Encompass Parent Letter.pdf

Operation Encompass Poster.pdf

Useful Links

Facebook Terms and Conditions
Registration and Account Security says, “You will not use Facebook if you are under 13.”





