At Samuel Lucas we firmly believe in parents working in partnership with the school. Children make the best possible progress with the support, involvement and encouragement of parents. We welcome your help in school and encourage you to take an interest in your child’s learning. We hold Parents’ Evenings twice a year when we invite you to discuss your child’s work with the teacher. An annual written report is produced for each child.
We hold an open evening and an exhibition during the school year to celebrate the learning the children have done. This is a great opportunity for children to talk about their learning with parents and for parents to get an overview of how learning progresses through the whole school.
Teachers welcome opportunities to meet parents and discuss any aspect of your child’s school life. It would be appreciated if conversations before school could be kept to a minimum so that teachers can meet the children and organise their work. It is easier to see parents after school – making an appointment would ensure a teacher’s availability. Miss Brind, the Headteacher, is happy to discuss any issues with parents.
Parents are invited to sign a home/school agreement when their child begins school. KS2 Children are encouraged to be involved in this agreement to strengthen responsibility for their own learning.
Parent forum meetings, with an agreed agenda, are held every term with the Headteacher. Two elected parents from each class are able to share views and opinions and discuss whole school issues enhancing the rounded view school for the SMT.
We use ParentMail to send email messages out. Please contact the school office to register.
Messages to Parents
Ofsted letter to parents – July 2016
Inspection of Hertfordshire County Council local area’s effectiveness in identifying and meeting the needs of, and improving outcomes for, children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities from 4 July 2016 to 8 July 2016
Hertfordshire County Council has asked all schools to share this letter from Ofsted with parents. You can view/download the letter here.