Statutory Information
As a local-authority-maintained school we must publish specific information on our website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016.
School contact details
Samuel Lucas JMI School
Gaping Lane
Tel: 01462 456737 School Office: Miss Aimie Adam (please contact Miss Adam for any queries you have about the school as she is the member of staff who deals with queries from parents and other members of the public)
Special Educational Needs: please contact Mrs Kate Kenny (INCo) on the school telephone number or by using the email address below
Admission arrangements
The local authority, Hertfordshire County Council, decides our admissions. Parents should contact the local authority to find out about our admission arrangements.
Local Authority Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 4043
Ofsted reports
If you would like to download or view a pdf of our last ofsted report please select the following: Samuel Lucas JMI Ofsted Report- October 2023. Or you can visit the Ofsted page for our school here.
Exam and assessment results
Key stage 2 (end of primary school) results
We must publish the following details from our schoolâs most recent key stage 2 results:
- average progress scores in reading, writing and maths
- average âscaled scoresâ in reading and maths
- percentage of pupils who achieved the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths
- percentage of pupils who achieved a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths
You can see our latest results by clicking the link below:
End of Key Stage Data Summary 2023
Performance tables & Financial information
A link to the Department for Educationâs website for Samuel Lucas JMI School
Samuel Lucas JMI School has no employees with a gross salary of ÂŁ100,000 or more.
You can view the Samuel Lucas JMI School’s curriculum page by visiting the Our Learning section of our website
School policies
Below are a list of Samuel Lucas JMI School’s statutory policies:
Please note all annual statutory policies are reviewed and ratified at the first Full Governing Body meeting of the new academic year.
Pupil premium
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023 – 2024 & Review of Expenditure 2022-2023
PE and sport premium for primary schools
The government is spending over ÂŁ450 million on improving physical Education (PE) and sport in primary schools. The funding must be used to fund improvements to the provision of PE and sport, so they develop healthy lifestyles.
Read the following pdf (link below) to see how the Sports Premium Grant will be spent:
Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium June 2024
Please note signed copies are kept has a hard copy in school.
COVID Catch-Up Premium
COVID Catch-up Recovery Strategy 2021/2022
Special educational needs (SEN) and disability information
We are an inclusive school and invite parents to speak to us about any aspects of your childâs special educational needs or disability.
We are always willing to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate your childâs individual needs.
Please read our SEN Information Report Samuel Lucas Autumn 2023 and Samuel Lucas JMI School Accessibility Plan July 2022 for more details on how we can be of assistance. For any other assistance please see our other policies listed in the statutory information section of our website.
The Hertfordshire Autism Quality Offer aligns with the SEND Quality Offer – Hertfordshireâs statement on high quality provision and outcomes for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. The Autism Quality Offer describes the special educational provision that settings are encouraged to have available for children and young people who have autism or social communication needs and includes links to resources and training available to settings across Hertfordshire.
Special Educational Needs: please contact Mrs Kate Kenny (INCO) on the school telephone number or by using the email address below
Local Offer Website
Services for parents, carers and families (Â From this page you can find all the different types of support that parents and carers of children and young people with SEND might be able to access, including information on support groups, mental health, parenting courses and how to access services such as SENDIASS
Getting help at school from your SENCO (Â This page explains what the role of a SENCO is, and how parents and SENCOs can work together to achieve the best results for a pupil. It may help you to work with a parent and set out for them what to expect and how to ensure things run smoothly.
If your child is too anxious to go to school (Â This page is designed to help parents whose childrenâs attendance is low due to anxiety, and has advice on how to support them and where to go for help
Contact a SEND service (Â This page has contact details of the different SEND services, including details of Advice Line for EPs, the SLCA team, the SpLD team and others
New to SEND (Â This page has information and advice for those whose children have just been diagnosed with SEND, or have suspected SEND.
Equality objectives
Public bodies, including local-authority-maintained schools, are covered by the public sector equality duty in the Equality Act 2010. This means schools have to publish:
- details of how our school is complying with the public sector equality duty – which should be updated every year
- our schoolâs equality objectives – which should updated at least once every 4 years
Details of these publishing obligations are set out in Equality Act 2010: advice for schools.
Download Samuel Lucas’ SAMLUCAS Equality Scheme 2020.2024 FGB.
Governorsâ information and duties
Please visit our Governors’ page for more information.
Values and ethos
Our Aim
Our aim for happy, confident, caring children is encouraged through our 3Cs of Care, Co-operate and Contribute. These are represented by the circles of the school logo. Our 5Rs enable children to be Resilient, Risk Takers, Reflective, Resourceful and to build positive Relationships as they become independent, lifelong learners.
Our shared vision
Samuel Lucas is a community dedicated to excellence where we work together to provide opportunities for successful learning and personal development in an environment where anything is possible.
We do this through:
- a creative curriculum that motivates and inspires
- promoting positive attitudes for lifelong learning
- developing independent, confident citizens by embedding the 5 Rs in all that we do:
(Reflective, Relationships, Resilience, Resourceful, Risk taking) - respecting, valuing and celebrating everyoneâs contributions and achievements.
Requests for paper copies
If you are a parent and request a paper copy of the information on our website, we can provide this to you free of charge. Please contact our office for more details on 01462 456737 or come to reception and ask a member of staff there who would be willing to help you.
General Data Protection Regulations
On the 25th May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force in the UK. These are new data protection regulations built upon the Data Protection Act of 1998.
The GDPR require public authorities and businesses to identify the lawful basis for storing personal data, audit information we already hold and take a âdata protection by design and defaultâ approach to personal data.
We take data protection very seriously at Samuel Lucas JMI School. In line with GDPR requirements, we have already appointed a Data Protection Officer to oversee our approach to data management and protection.
Our Data Protection Officer is:
The Deputy Headteacher. If you would like to contact either DPO please email (preferably during term time).
In order to ensure that we comply with the new regulations, we are reviewing our current policies and practices. We have already updated our privacy notices in line with the new requirements and have developed a GDPR Policy. These can be found below:
SAMLUCAS GDPR Data Protection Policy September 2022