What a busy full week back in school. We have been getting used to all the new subjects and our explore more time. This week in English we were writing…
Samuel Lucas
Year 1 Autumn 1 week 2
Belonging in RE and Continents and Oceans in Geography
Over the last few weeks, the children have looked the following question: ‘What does it mean to belong to a faith community?’ We began by talking about what the word…
Lost and Found and Adding within numbers to 20
During Spring Term so far, the children have been working very hard in their English and Maths to develop their writing and the maths learning. In English, Year 1 have…
Year 1 Recipe for Friendship
Year 1 have been spending time recently looking at what makes a good friend. In particular, the children have been thinking about how they themselves can be good friends towards…
Year 1 Autumn 2 Week 5
The children in Year 1 have demonstrated their learning fantastically this week, well done everyone! Here is a quick summary of what they have been learning. As writers, the children…
Year 1 Autumn 1 Weeks 4 & 5
Hello everyone, We are now halfway through the term and the children have been incredibly busy and are continuing to work really hard, making sure to try their best in…
Year 1 Autumn 1 Week 3
Hello everyone, It has been a great week with lots happening in Year 1. As writers, we were continuing to develop our sentence writing by demarcating our sentences using capital…
Year 1 Autumn 1 Week 1 & 2
We have had a very busy fortnight in Year 1 and the children have been fantastic settling back into school life. We have been enjoying reading story Peter Pan as…
Year 1 07.07.23
This week in Year 1, we went to Duxford! It was amazing, the children loved the journey there and everything that Duxford had to offer. On arrival, we saw spitfires…
week 3 in Year 1
Wow what a busy 4 days we have had! In English, we have been looking at poetry and rhyming words and even wrote our own rhyming spells. We’ve continued to…