This week Year 3 have been learning about cave painting during the Stone Age. We discussed why people would choose to do cave paintings and what natural materials they would…
Samuel Lucas
Year 3 Cave Painting
Year 3 Celtic Harmony
Year 3 had a wonderful time visiting Celtic Harmony on Wednesday – thank you so much to the parents that came to help us. We enjoyed a range of…
Year 3 Reading
This week year 3 have started a new topic in English looking at Fables. We are going to be looking at the book War and Peas in our English lessons…
Year 3 alternative fairy tales
Year 3 children wrote their own fantastic alternative fairy tales which they published and created their very own book. This afternoon both classes went to share their stories with the…
Year 3 week 3
We have had another fantastic week in year 3. In English we have started our unit on fairy tales – everyone has really enjoyed reading the alternative version of the…
Week 2 of year 3
What a brilliant week we have had in year 3. We have been so impressed with the enthusiasm the children have had for their first sport of the year –…
Welcome to year 3!
Hello and welcome back – we are so excited to see you all back in school and welcome the new year 3 children. We have been so impressed with how…
Busy Bees in Year 3
This term year 3 have been so busy – we can’t believe it is now the half term break. As scientists, we have learned about light this term carrying lots…
Science Week in Year 3
SCIENCE WEEK IN YEAR 3 This week we have loved the opportunity to participate in British Science Week and to be really thinking about the different skills needed to be…
Year 3 Learners this term
Year 3 have been working very hard over the last couple of weeks. Here is a taste of all the learning they have been doing. In RE we continued to…